Crash Dive User's Manual

Difficulty Levels


Fewest escorts
Flower-class Corvette escorts only
Poor enemy gun accuracy
Start encounters with attack angle of no more than 60° from front
50% chance of enemies spotting torpedo
7 resupply points
25 torpedoes
10 decoys


Adds Fletcher-class Destroyer escorts
Increases escort count
Adds one additional escort if convoy has a whale
Start encounters with attack angle of up to 90° from front
Enemies can detect periscope 33% faster
75% chance of enemies spotting torpedo
Increased distance at which torpedoes can be spotted
Increased enemy gun accuracy
Can't repair external damage when submerged
5 resupply points
20 torpedoes max
7 decoys max


Adds convoy zig-zagging
Increases escort count
Adds one additional escort for each whale in convoy
Start encounters with attack angle of up to 120° from front
90% chance of enemies spotting torpedo
Increased distance at which torpedoes can be spotted
4 resupply points
15 torpedoes max
5 decoys max


Encounters start further from convoy
Start encounters with any random attack angle
Torpedo targeting computer disabled
Adds dud torpedoes ()
Removed display of enemy search state
Removed visible sonar pings/bounces
No notifications of sub/periscope/torpedo spotted
Halves ship speeds to real-world speeds
4 resupply points
15 torpedoes max
5 decoys max

Custom Game Options:

In a Custom game, you can set a bunch of difficulty options:

Convoy Zig-Zags: Convoys will change heading every 90 - 120 seconds.
Dud Torpedoes: Adds a 12.5% chance of a torpedo failing to detonate on impact.
Auto-Targeting: Enable the automatic torpedo solution calculator.
Visible Sonar: Displays sonar pings/bounces in Chart view.
Search Timer: Shows enemy search state as LED and rotary timer at top left under clock.
2x Ship Speeds: Doubles all ship speeds (this is the game's default).
Show Depth Charges: Display markers around depth charges.
Chart View Ships: Show 3D ship models in Chart view.