Crash Dive 2 Manual
V 1.4.13
A single, stand-alone mission where you encounter a randomly-generated convoy.
Goal: Sink the merchant ships and escape. Or sink the merchant ships and the escorts, just to show how bad-ass a captain you are.
This is a great way to practice and gain experience without a lengthy time commitment.
A single War Patrol where you are loaded up with fuel and ammo and sent to your assigned patrol area.
Goal: sink as much merchant shipping as you can find before you run out of fuel or ammunition.
You may also receive orders for other side missions from COMSUBPAC while on patrol.
A lengthy series of war patrols, beginning with your first submarine command and playing out through the duration of the war as you work your way through the South Pacific toward the Japanese home islands.
Goal: Survive, bring your ship and crew home safe, and (as always) destroy as much Japanese shipping as possible.
If you want to play a customized Convoy or Patrol game, check out the Custom game menu.
It lets you create and save custom settings that affect your gameplay, from a simple random seed number down to the finest details of how many enemies you'll be facing and what kind of weather you'll encounter.
For quick settings, use the "Difficulty" drop-down near the top to instantly apply the default values for whatever difficulty you prefer; you can then modify them from that starting point.
You can hit the "Load" button in the Custom Game menu any time to load a previously-saved custom game. Or load "Defaults" to revert back to the default values.
If you just played a regular Convoy or Patrol game and wanted to try it again with some modifications, you can Load the auto-generated settings file called "Last Mission".
You can also instantly replay your last mission with the "Replay Last Mission" button on the main menu.
If you've created a custom game that you particularly like, hit "Save" to store it for later replays or further modification.
Any time you quit out of a mission, your game will be saved.
You can have one auto-saved game of each mode (Convoy, Patrol, and Campaign). This means that if you start a new Convoy mission, it will overwrite the existing Convoy save game file if you have one.
To continue any one of those saved games, just select "Continue Game" from the main menu, and choose which type. Only those modes that have a saved game file will be displayed.
If you have placed any additional saved games in your saved games folder (e.g. copied from another device or a duplicate of another save file) you can view them by selecting "View All" from the Continue Game menu.
The difficulty selection adjusts a variety of factors in the game. You can adjust most of these however you like in a Custom game type.
Increase by difficulty level:
- Amount of damage your sub takes from enemy weapons and collisions.
- Damage repair times.
- Likelihood of crewmen being injured or knocked unconscious.
- The number of escorts (ships and planes) for each convoy.
- The tech/skill level of enemy escorts and their weaponry.
- In Convoy missions, how close the convoy's initial heading will take it to your sub.
- The ranges at which enemy ships can detect you.
- The accuracy of enemy spotters' estimates of your sub's position.
- How many enemy escorts will be tasked with hunting you once you're detected.
- How long enemy escorts will hunt you once you're detected.
- How long it takes for enemy ships to sink once killed.
- The type of aircraft summoned when enemy ships can't reach your sub.
- The number of planes/ships searchers during side missions.
- The number of planes that each aircraft carrier can launch.
- Enemy ships resistance to damage from your AA guns.
- The percentage of enemy Transports that are armed with defensive guns.
- The time it takes your crew to load a torpedo tube.
- The amount of money you're budgeted for upgrades at the start of a mission.
At Medium and above:
- Removed: Visible enemy detection ranges displayed in the chart view.
- Added: Enemy escorts zig-zag as they approach you.
- Added: Enemy ships with catapults will launch aircraft when you are spotted.
- Damage caused by your AA gun to enemy ships is halved.
At Hard and above:
- Removed: Visible sonar pings in the chart view.
- Removed: Visible depth charge markers/explosions in the chart view.
- Removed: Visible mine explosions in the chart view.
- Added: Convoy zig-zagging.
- Added: G4M "Betty" bombers: Drop a cluster of depth charges in a single pass
- Added: Chance of your boat taking permanent damage.
At Sim:
- Removed: Notifications when enemy detects you.
- Removed: Torpedo reloads shared between bow/aft torpedo rooms.
- Removed: Ability to fire torpedoes from below 100 feet.
- Added: Dud torpedoes (10% chance).
- Added: Torpedoes will glance off enemies if hit at an angle of less than 30 degrees.
- Added: 20 second delay before sub can begin diving when surfaced.
- Added: Crash diving from surface cuts delay time in half, but risks flooding (25% chance) and losing a crewman overboard (10% chance).
- Dive/Ascend acceleration and max speed are halved.
In this view, you can identify targets and line up torpedo shots. Drag left and right on the screen to pan your view left and right. Center your crosshairs on a ship to target it.
Your periscope has lenses that allow you to zoom in up to 3x, but can also be upgraded for further zoom levels.
This view is only available if you are submerged and your periscope is raised above the water; the "Periscope" button will always show whether that's the case:
Periscope raised above the water (blue line is below the periscope). Pressing the button will lower the periscope.
Periscope lowered below the water (blue fills above the periscope). Pressing the button will raise the periscope.
Note that your periscope can be raised, but still be below the water if your sub is deeper than its 60 foot "periscope depth".
When surfaced, the Bridge view replaces Periscope view. It is a wider field of view, and also lets you zoom in using a powerful pair of binoculars.
In addition to torpedoes, you can also aim and fire the deck gun from this view. Zoom in to use the binoculars' cross-hair reticle for more accurate aiming of torpedoes and deck gun shots.
You can switch to the Chart view any time, but when submerged below periscope depth it is your only view option.
Your sub: When you first enter Chart View, your sub will be at the center. You can always re-center on it by Taping the Center View button:
Perception range: Portions of the map that are within spotting range will be in full color. Areas beyond that range will be desaturated and dull. Only ships and vehicles within this range (i.e. those that are visible to you) will appear.
Plot Marker: Tapping anywhere on the chart will set down a plot marker, which will display:
- The distance to that point, in yards or nautical miles;
- The depth at that point, which may be more or less accurate depending on how out of date the charts are;
- If your sub is moving, the estimated travel time and estimated time of arrival ("ETA") to reach it.
Tap the plot marker to start your sub turning to face that point. You can also double-Tap anywhere on the chart to place a marker and immediate turn toward it.
Torpedo track: The track that a torpedo will follow appears as a red/green line with time markers at intervals along it. You can use those to plot out how far a torpedo will travel in a certain amount of time, or conversely, how long it will take a torpedo to reach a certain distance.
Fired torpedoes will quickly rise to the surface, but the deeper you are, the farther the torpedo will travel before surfacing. The red portion of the line shows that distance; use it to make sure your torpedo won't pass underneath an enemy ship!
Note that if there is anything blocking your torpedo's path, the torpedo track will end at the point where it would hit the obstacle.
Enemy ships and planes: Any enemy ships and planes that are within visual range (when your sub or periscope is above water) will appear on the chart view.
If you don't have visual spotting (your sub and your periscope are submerged), then nearby ships will still appear thanks to the hard work of your sonar operators. But sonar can't detect aircraft, so you won't see any indication of them on the chart.
Targeted ship: Tap any enemy ship to target it. This has the same effect as centering it in the Bridge view: Its info will be displayed on the screen and the TDC will calculate a torpedo solution to hit it. The targeted ship's estimated track will also be shown as a yellow line with time markers showing where it will probably be in the future. Only one ship can be targeted at a time.
Radar: If equipped, your radar's range will appear as a green line, continuously sweeping in a circle around your sub. Enemies in radar range (that aren't hidden behind terrain) will appear as a collection of radar-reflected "blobs".
Whether you're in Bridge, Periscope, or Chart view, at the lower left are buttons for controlling your current view.
Center View: In Chart view, centers the chart on your sub. In a first-person view, snaps the camera back to the front of your sub. You can also swipe this control left, right, up or down to quickly snap your view angle relative to the sub.
Zoom In: Zoom the current view in.
Zoom Out: Zoom the current view out.
When surfaced, you can man the AA gun by Tapping the button. In this view, most of your HUD is turned off to allow for the best possible view of enemy planes.
To exit AA Gunnery view, Tap the close button at the top right.
Go here for more on AA Gunnery.
When in any first-person view (Periscope, Bridge, or AA Gunnery), your current view angle is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
This shows the angle of the direction you're currently looking as:
- Relative to the bow of your sub (the first number) as + or - 180 degrees
- Absolute to the world (the second number) as 0 to 360 degrees.
If you prefer the relative angle to be displayed as 0-360 instead of +/-180, there's a checkbox to change that under the Options menu.
You "drive" your sub using a separate control for each axis: Forward/back, left/right, and up/down.
Your rudder controls the left/right rotation of your sub.
Tap and hold the left or right arrow button to rotate your sub in that direction.
Or if you double-Tap a rudder button it will toggle on, and your sub will turn that direction until you Tap it again (or the opposite rudder button).
In Chart View, double-Tap anywhere on the map (except on an enemy target) to set a target point that your sub will rotate towards.
At the bottom right of the screen is a compass showing the relative angle between your bridge or periscope view (the green cone) and your sub's heading (the black capsule).
In Bridge or Periscope view, Tap the compass to rotate your sub so it's aligned with the view angle. In Chart View, if a target is selected, Tap the compass to rotate your sub so it's pointed at that target.
The faster your sub is moving forward or backward through the water, the more effective your rudders are, allowing you to turn more quickly.
Damage to your Rudder will reduce your turning speed. If the Rudder system is destroyed, you will be unable to turn at all.
The forward/reverse speed of your boat is controlled with the five throttle buttons on the right: Reverse, Stop, Ahead Slow, Ahead Full, and Ahead Flank.
For finer throttle control, you can also drag the throttle slider up and down over the throttle buttons.
Your current throttle level is displayed in the throttle slider, while your current speed is displayed just below the throttle controls.
Your sub's top speed when surfaced is around 20 knots; half that when submerged.
When surfaced, diesel engines propel your boat, as well as recharging your batteries if necessary.
When submerged, your sub switches to battery-powered electric motors, which draw power from a bank of batteries. When fully charged, you have enough battery power to run at full throttle for about an hour.
Damage to your Engines will limit your maximum throttle setting when surfaced; likewise, damage to your Motors will limit your max throttle when submerged.
Damage to your Batteries will reduce your stored electrical power, limiting the distance you can move while submerged.
Your sub's depth is controlled with dive planes and ballast tanks. Use the combination depth gauge/controls to set a target depth for your sub; it will continue to try to ascend or descend until it reaches that depth.
Tap the Up arrow (1) to set a shallower depth target in 50-foot increments. Press and hold it to tell your sub to surface.
Tap the Down arrow (4) to set a deeper depth target in 50-foot increments. Press and hold it to set your target depth to the maximum for which your sub is rated.
At Sim difficulty, there is a 20-second delay between initiating a dive and the dive actually starting, while the crewmen clear the decks; a countdown timer will appear. A long-press on the dive button will initiate a "crash dive", cutting that delay down to 10 seconds. However, in the rush and chaos of a crash dive you run the risk of a hatch not being closed and sealed properly (causing flooding to a compartment), and of a crewmen being left behind and drowning.
Your sub's depth is always shown as the middle number (2) between the two arrows. If you exceed your boat's maximum rated depth, the background will be red.
For more accurate depth control (1-foot increments), Tap the current depth value (2) and drag up or down.
At any time, double-Tap the depth gauge to halt your dive/ascent at the current depth.
The target depth will always be shown on the arrow for the desired direction.
The faster your sub is moving forward or backward through the water, the more effective your dive planes are, allowing you to change depth more quickly.
Damage to your Dive Planes will reduce your dive/ascend speed.
A thermocline is a layer of ocean water where two different temperatures meet. Sonar pings tend to bounce off of that layer; you can use this to your advantage by hiding beneath a thermocline layer, making your sub harder to detect.
The layers are displayed as a section of blue on your depth gauge. If there is a blue line at the bottom of the gauge, then you are above the thermocline layer (and it will have no effect). If the blue line is at the top of your gauge then you are completely beneath the layer, and it will provide maximum camouflage for you. If you are currently in the middle of the layer, your depth gauge will be filled blue, and the effect of the layer on sonar will increase as you go deeper.
Beginning an ascent or halting a dive uses a small amount of O2 to blow water out of the ballast tanks.
Displayed just below your current depth is the depth of the sea floor under your keel. The background color of this indicator will shift from green to red as you get closer to running aground. If you are aground or "bottomed" (sitting on the sea floor), then the sounding depth will be "X"d out:
While the maximum rated depth of your Gato-class sub is 300 feet, you'll find she's actually capable of going much deeper. But if you push her too far down, eventually you'll find her "crush depth", at which point you will begin to rapidly suffer severe flooding as the high pressure of the deep water squeezes you mercilessly.
Once that starts happening, you'll only have a few seconds to reverse your dive and get back above your crush depth before your boat implodes!
Also be aware that loss to your sub's overall Hull Integrity will reduce both your max rated depth and crush depth.
For navigation, you can set a series of waypoints that your sub will follow.
To add waypoints, go to Chart View and Tap the Waypoints button:
This will open up the waypoint control menu, with the Add Waypoint ("+") and Delete Waypoint ("-") buttons:
Tap the "+" button to toggle Add Waypoints mode. Once enabled, when you Tap in the chart view it will add another waypoint onto the end of your path.
Note: You can not add a waypoint that would cause your sub to run aground or enter a minefield. If you try, you will hear an error sound.
Tap the "-" button to toggle Delete Waypoints mode. Once enabled, when you Tap on a waypoint, that waypoint will be removed from your path.
Tap the "0" button to Delete all Waypoints.
Tap the "Fast Forward" button to Fast Travel to the last waypoint.
Tap the Waypoints button again to close the waypoint control menu.
When not in Delete Waypoints mode, you can Tap on any waypoint to see the total distance to it (travelling the path to that point), travel time to reach it (if your sub is moving), and the depth sounding at that point.
At any time, you can Tap and drag any waypoint to alter your path.
Note: You can not drag a waypoint so that the path from the previous point would cause your sub to run aground or enter a minefield. If dragging a waypoint causes the path to the next waypoint to pass through land or a minefield, that path will marked in red and the Fast Travel button will be disabled.
When not in Add or Delete Waypoints mode, Tapping anywhere else in the chart view will have the usual behavior of setting your sub's target heading to that point. It will also disable the waypoint system, so your sub will be back under manual control. Tapping either of the Left/Right rudder buttons from the Bridge/Periscope view will have the same effect.
Tap on any waypoint to re-enable the waypoint system.
As your sub reaches each waypoint, that waypoint will be removed from the path and your sub will adjust its heading toward the next waypoint.
When your sub reaches the last waypoint, your crew will stop the engines and the waypoint system will be disabled.
Your assigned patrol area can be massive; up to 22,500 square miles of ocean is a lot of water to cover! Getting from one point to another can require days of travel time, which can get tedious even at 32x speed.
That's why there's the Fast Travel system, where you just plot out the path you want to take using the Waypoints system, then let your crew do the mundane management of actually getting you there.
To use it, go to the Chart View, Tap the Waypoints button, then Tap the Fast Travel button. A dialog will open showing the travel time, arrival time, and fuel required. Then you can either approve or cancel the orders.
If you approve the travel plan, your crew will travel submerged during the day to avoid being spotted.
Fast travelling will consume about 25% more fuel that you would by manually travelling the same route entirely on the surface.
- You must have at least one Waypoint set.
- None of your waypoint paths may be passing through land or minefields.
- You are not currently engaged with the enemy (no enemy spotters are aware of your presence).
Targets of Opportunity:
When approving your Fast Travel orders, you can select the option to "Stop for Targets of Opportunity". If checked, this will tell your crew to halt your trip if they spot a nearby convoy or a previously-unknown enemy base.
An important element of submarine combat is knowing where the enemy is, or your “perception” of the enemy.
You have a limited set of tools for detecting enemies, each with its own range:
- Radar: Up to 10 miles at maximum upgrade level. If equipped, your radar gives you the longest range for detecting the presence of enemies, but can’t identify them precisely.
- Spotters: Up to 6,000 yards. Whenever you are surfaced, a group of your crew will be on the bridge with binoculars, looking for enemies.
- Periscope: Up to 4,500 yards. When submerged at a depth of 60 feet or less with your periscope raised, you or one of your crewmen will be looking through the periscope to spot enemies.
- Sonar: Up to 2,400 yards. When submerged, your sonar operator is listening through microphones on your hull for enemy ships.
In practice, you will rarely detect ships at the maximum ranges listed above; there are a variety of factors that can modify that distance:
- Radar: Rain causes false radar reflections, reducing radar range by up to half.
- Spotters: Fog, rain, cloud cover, and time of day can reduce spotting range by up to 80%.
- Periscope: Fog, rain, cloud cover, and time of day can reduce periscope range by up to 80%. Damage to your periscope will further reduce range by half.
- Sonar: Range decreases with your sub’s depth by up to 50%. Damage to your sonar will further reduce range by half.
Because of its sensitivity to sound, Sonar has some additional factors that can affect it:
- Since your motors and propeller generate noise, they will reduce your listening range by up to 50% at maximum throttle.
- The detonations of enemy depth charges will momentarily reduce sonar range by up to 90%, depending on how close the depth charge is.
Once an enemy has been spotted, information can gradually be gathered by your crew on that ship’s heading, speed, size, class, and eventually even its exact name. This information is essential for calculating torpedo trajectories.
Radar is too low-resolution to provide any of that information, but Spotters, Periscope, or Sonar will.
When you’re surfaced, multiple crewmen are on deck working at spotting ships, so all ships will be going through the identification process once they’re spotted.
But when you’re submerged, only one crewman at a time can use the periscope, so only one ship at a time (whichever ship you have targeted) will be getting ID'd, making the process take much longer for multiple ships.
Whenever you are surfaced, a group of spotters on the bridge with binoculars, looking for enemies. When they sight a new, previously-unknown enemy, they will blow a whistle to alert you: One whistle for a ship, two for an aircraft.
Even as your crew is working diligently to spot enemy ships, know that the enemy crews are working just as hard to detect your submarine. Many of the factors that affect your ability to perceive them (weather, time of day) affect their efforts equally.
On Easy Difficulty, each enemy's perception range is shown in the Chart View as a red ring. This shows the maximum range at which that enemy might spot your surfaced sub, your periscope, or your submerged sub (with sonar), depending on which of those items are currently available for spotting.
You'll notice that enemy ships' 360-degree ring indicates that they are looking in all directions, while single-cockpit fighter aircraft can only detect items in an arc in front of them. Some planes (like the Nakajima B5N "Kate") have a rear-facing gunner, so they can spot in all directions.
These are the things that enemy ships can detect that might give away your sub’s position, with their approximate maximum ranges:
- Surfaced sub: Up to 1,600 yards. Your sub is much harder to spot on the surface than a regular ship due to its low profile.
- Periscope: Up to 800 yards. When you are submerged with your periscope raised above water, your periscope is very hard to spot.
- Shell Splash: Up to 600 yards. If you fire at a ship that hasn’t detected you and miss, there’s a very good chance they’ll notice the splash in the water if it’s nearby. It won’t help them locate your sub, but they’ll know you’re nearby and to be on the alert for you.
- Torpedo: Up to 350 yards. A torpedo in the water (and its tell-tale wake) can be spotted by enemies if it passes close enough to them. They can also tell from its wake the direction it was fired from.
- Submerged Sub: Up to 1,000 yards. Most enemy escort ships are equipped with active sonar systems that they can use to “ping” for your sub. Note that they don’t use passive listening, so if they aren’t pinging, they can't hear you. At Sim Difficulty, enemy aircraft can also spot your submerged sub at up to to 1,250 yards if you're just below the surface, decreasing to 0 yards as you approach periscope depth (60 feet).
In practice, enemy ships will rarely detect you at the maximum ranges listed above; there are a variety of factors that will have a combined effect on that distance:
- All surface spotting (surfaced sub, periscope, shell splash, torpedo):
- Just like for your spotters, fog, rain, cloud cover, and time of day can reduce spotting range by up to 80%.
- The type of enemy affects spotter range: Escort ships with their navy crewmen can spot things further than the merchant mariners on Transports. Airplanes, with their high vantage point, can see furthest of all.
- Surfaced sub:
- A moving object is easier to see; if your surfaced sub is moving at flank speed, it becomes 50% easier to spot.
- But you can reduce their ability to spot you by keeping your sub pointed straight at an enemy ship: due to its narrow profile, your head- or tail-on sub is 25% harder to see than its side-on silhouette.
- Periscope:
- Your periscope is also 50% easier to spot when you’re at flank speed.
- However, wind will reduce its spotting distance by up to 25% due to the increased surface chop and wave action.
- Torpedo: The range at which a torpedo can be spotted will also be decreased by up to 25% by the wind level.
- Submerged sub:
- Your sub at its maximum rated depth (or below) is 25% harder to detect with sonar than when just below the surface.
- Like your surfaced sub, your reduced profile when head/tail-on to a pinging enemy ship is 25% less likely to be detected than when side-on.
- If you’re below the thermocline layer, detection range is cut by another 50%.
- Finally, if your sub is sitting on the sea floor ("bottomed") it is 50% harder for sonar to detect.
Once an enemy has spotted one of the detectable items above, they are unlikely to lose sight of it, so they will “lock on” to it and maintain knowledge of your sub’s location (unless it’s a shell splash; that won’t help them know where you are).
So until that item is no longer visible, they will know just where to look for you. This means you should take measures to shake them off: If you were surfaced, dive. If your periscope was detected, lower it. If your torpedo was spotted or you were pinged on sonar… Well, just try to not be where you were when the detection occurred. Move, move, move!
Note: Locking on is for visual spotting only, it doesn't apply to sonar pings.
Once the enemy spots you, they will continuously update their estimate of your position based on your last known heading and speed. On Easy and Medium difficulty, that estimate is shown on the chart view as a red triangle:
Your goal should be to always get as far from that marker as possible!
As time progresses in the game, the sun will rise and set. Keep in mind that your sub is much harder to spot at night, making surface attacks a more viable option.
Enemy aircraft don't fly at night or in heavy rain; keep this in mind when pursuing side missions, as not having enemy aircraft searching above will make pickup/drop-off missions much easier.
The weather in the South Pacific can be quite unpredictable; squalls and storms can blow in suddenly, then clear up just as quickly. Heavy seas, rain, or thick cloud cover also help to hide your sub from enemy eyes; use this to your advantage!
If you want to lurk without moving for an extended length of time, you can use the "Wait In Place" tool, which you'll' find at the bottom of the expanded date/time overlay:
Tapping that button will open a dialog where you can choose to wait for a number of hours/minutes, or until a specific time. The wait time can be from 1 to 24 hours.
There are also buttons to set the wait time until the next sunrise or sunset.
Your sub’s primary weapon is the limited set of torpedoes it carries. They pack by far the most punch from your arsenal.
Your sub is equipped with a Torpedo Data Computer (TDC) a device that does the complex calculations for plotting an intercept course for a torpedo against a moving target.
If you are looking through your periscope or binoculars when you fire a torpedo, the TDC will calculate a solution to try to hit the ship at the point where you're aiming.
If you're firing from the Chart view, or if your currently targeted ship isn't under your periscope/binocular center, the TDC will automatically aim for the center of the ship.
The maximum fire arc, either from the bow or the stern of your sub, is 90 degrees (45 degrees to left or right). That arc is shown on the Chart View as green lines extending at an angle from your sub. If you are using the TDC to target a ship that is currently outside of that arc, or will be outside of that arc by the time the TDC-controlled torpedo reaches it, then you will not be able to fire.
Data for the TDC is automatically entered via the periscope; if the periscope is submerged or offline due to damage, the TDC will not be available. In that case, the button for it will be greyed out.
If you want to manually aim your torpedoes without the TDC's assistance, Tap the TDC button to disable it and the button will turn red. Tap it again to turn it back on.
If the TDC is unavailable for any reason, you can manually set up torpedo shots in the Chart view by lining up the Torpedo Track with the track for the currently targeted ship.
Each has a series of time markers showing where they will probably be at specific points in the future; if you can rotate your sub to make the lines intersect at the same time point, you will probably hit the ship.
Adjust your torpedo track by rotating your boat, and/or adjusting the Gyro Angle in the Advanced Torpedo Controls.
Long-press or swipe up on the Torpedo fire button to open the Advanced Torpedo Controls menu:
Lock Torpedoes: Locks the fire buttons, preventing accidental launching of torpedoes.
Fire Spread: Fires (by default) a three-torpedo spread, one per second, with 3 degrees of separation between each. Long-press this button to open a dialog where you can edit the number, angle, and timing of spreads.
Gyro Angle: For manual aiming, applies an offset to the gyro angle of fired torpedoes. Drag left and right on the control to adjust the angle; the offset will be reflected in the torpedo track line extending from the bow or stern of your boat. Double-tap or long-press on the gyro dial to reset it to 0. NOTE: Manual gyro angle adjustment is only available when in the chart view and the TDC is off/disabled; if the TDC is active, it will control the torpedo gyro angle.
Close: Closes the Advanced Torpedo Controls menu. You can also close it by swiping down on the Torpedo fire button.
When planning to fire a torpedo while submerged, the first segment of your torpedo track line will be a red dashed line; that shows the range where your torpedo will be underwater and rising to the surface. It will reach the surface roughly at the point where the line turns from blue to green.
Use that color change to make sure your torpedo won't pass underneath the target ship; if the line doesn't turn green until it's past the ship, it will probably miss.
The maximum range of your base torpedo (the Mark 14) is about 3000 meters, though you can upgrade to torpedoes with longer range.
To prevent torpedoes from destroying your sub, their warheads are not armed until they have traveled 250 yards. If one hits a ship before traveling that distance, it will just "clang" on the hull without detonating or causing any damage.
Engines and boilers tend to be located towards the back of a ship, making it more vulnerable to torpedoes. So torpedo hits to the stern do 25% more damage than a midships hit, while a hit to the bow does 25% less.
Your secondary weapon is an upgradeable deck gun that can only be used when you are surfaced. It can fire 360 degrees to a range of about 2000m, though its accuracy drops off rapidly above 1000m. The deck gun's left/right aim always targets wherever you are looking in Bridge View; the up/down aiming (ballistic arc) is handled by the gun crew.
To fire the deck gun, press the "Deck Gun" button, which also shows the remaining ammo. The green circle will also show a timer when the gun is being reloaded.
After surfacing, it takes the gun crew some time to prep the gun; that time is reduced by the Output of the Deck Gun location.
Finally, your sub has an upgradable Anti-Aircraft gun for defense against enemy airplanes when you are on the surface. To use it, you must switch to the AA Gunner view by Tapping the "AA Gun" button at the bottom left.
Once you're in AA Gunner view, you can aim the gun left, right, up and down using your mouse, touchscreen, or gyroscope, depending on what hardware you have available and what you've selected in the Options menu.
Like the deck gun, it takes a few seconds to load and prep the AA gun for firing after you surface.
The highest upgrade to your AA gun is the Bofors 40mm Autocannon; it fires explosive "flak" shells. With this gun, you no longer have to hit an enemy directly: If a shell passes near an enemy target, it will detonate, causing ranged damage.
Like in bridge or periscope views, you can use the Center View button to quickly re-center your view to the front of the sub, or swipe it control left, right, or down to quickly snap your view angle to that direction relative to the front of the sub.
To exit AA gunnery mode, Tap the close button at the top right of the screen.
While your deck gun loads and fires individual shells, the AA gun uses ammo magazines, so two ammo counts are displayed for the AA gun:
- On the bottom is the total ammo that your sub carries; once it runs out, you can no longer use the AA gun for the remainder of the mission.
- The larger text above that shows the current magazine's ammo count. Once that reaches zero, it will take a few seconds to automatically reload, during which time you will not be able to fire.
You can manually replace a partially-used magazine for a full one by Tapping the "Reload" button. The gun will also be automatically reloaded any time you leave AA Gunnery mode.
While the primary purpose of the AA gun is for defense against lightly-armored enemy aircraft, it can also be used against ships and shore targets. But keep in mind that it doesn't do nearly as much damage against the thick armor plate of ship hulls as the deck gun or torpedoes, so you can burn through a lot of ammo to get the same results.
When your sub is on the surface, enemy escorts can attack you with their primary gun. That gun type will vary depending on the ship, but in all cases, you will have to make the choice whether to stay on the surface and try to duel it out, or submerge and evade.
If you do elect for a surface battle, you can make yourself more difficult to hit by moving fast and turning frequently, which will throw off the enemy gunners’ aim.
The heaviest surface weapon, artillery guns have a terrifyingly long range and fire large explosive shells that will do significant damage if they hit you. Their disadvantage is their relatively low muzzle rate, giving you time to maneuver out of the way when they attack from a distance.
The specific fire rate, muzzle velocity, and damage caused by enemy shells will vary depending on the level of the enemy ship.
Smaller gunships are equipped with light anti-aircraft guns that you'll find are remarkably effective against your submarine's hull. They don't have the range or do nearly as much damage as the heavy shells fired by artillery guns, but they are devastatingly accurate at close range.
The lightest of the surface-attack weapons, machine guns are only effective at close range, and even then a single bullet hit will only cause fractional damage to your sub.
But they can put out a ferocious rate of fire, and the damage from getting peppered by a few hundred rounds really adds up fast, especially if they hit a crewman.
Any weapons used to attack you while underwater will have their effectiveness amplified by how deep your sub is: The higher pressure at greater depths means that they will cause more damage and flooding if they hit you.
Once you've submerged, the most common weapon used against you is the depth charge. These are cannisters filled with explosives that are dropped from a ship or airplane, sink to a preset depth, then detonate. The shockwave from those detonations, if close enough, can rupture your pressure hull and damage your sub.
Your soundmen will update the estimated depth of the charge as it sinks. Once it reaches its target depth, it will detonate. The range of the explosion will also be visible in your Chart View.
The amount of damage a depth charge causes depends on:
- The type of depth charge;
- how close the explosion is;
- how deep your sub is (the increased water pressure at greater depth magnifies the effect of the shockwave).
Japanese cruisers and destroyers carry the Type 93 "Long Lance" torpedo. A truly fearsome weapon, its massive warhead will cause severe damage to your sub if it hits you. Typically launched at submerged targets from a range of 600 to 2000 yards, the torpedo will immediately turn to its gyroscopically-set heading and dive to its preset target depth.
Your soundmen will mark its estimated depth on your chart view. Once the torpedo's heading and depth have settled, it will continue to cruise straight ahead, so evasion is simply a matter of getting out of its way, either laterally or vertically.
At this time the Japanese have not yet developed a reliable magnetically-fused warhead, so the torpedo must directly impact your sub in order to detonate. That may change in the future...
One method used by the Japanese to protect harbors or other enclosed spaces is to lay minefields. These are marked on your charts with red cross-hatching:
Most mined entrances will also be protected by surface defenders in the form of gunships, shore batteries, or some other means of spotting a surfaced enemy intruder.
So to enter the harbor undetected, you will have to submerge and navigate through the mines. To accomplish this, you have two things on your side:
- The Japanese never developed magnetic-proximity fuses for their mines. This means you have to actually come into physical contact with a mine's pressure-fuse spikes before they will detonate.
- Your sub is equipped with magnetic field detectors, allowing you to locate (and hopefully avoid) mines within a small radius around you.
Information about each detected mine is displayed in the chart view:
The size of the mine icon indicates how vertically close it is to your sub; that is, a mine 10 feet below your sub will appear much smaller than a mine at the same depth as you.
The rotation of the mine icon indicates whether it is above or below you; an upside-down skull shows that a mine is below you, while a right-side up skull shows a mine above you.
If you come into contact with a mine and detonate it, the amount of damage it causes will depend on how deep you are: The deeper your sub is, the more damage will be caused due to the increased water pressure.
Mine damage can be reduced with the "Pressure Hull" upgrade.
- Take it slow! If you try to race through at flank speed you won't have enough time to avoid mines as they appear on your detector.
- If you get into a tight spot, you can always reverse out and try another path.
- Think in three dimensions! Remember that you can go up or down as well as left and right to avoid mines. Just watch out for new mine icons appearing above or below your sub!
Slow, lumbering... And your primary target. Your main goal in this war is to sink as many of these as possible. Cargo ships, fuel/ore carriers, troop transports: The more transport tonnage you can send to the bottom, the less fighting ability the enemy will have.
Some transports are armed, usually with machine guns. Their merchant marine crewmen are generally not as effective with their guns as naval ship personnel, but they can still cause plenty of damage if you get close.
These special targets are high-value prizes. Battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers; they're designed to be highly effective against surface targets, but they can't touch you when you're submerged.
Almost every convoy will have at least one escort ship, usually more. From the smallest sub-chaser to the most heavily-armed destroyer, they're all light, fast, maneuverable, and specifically designed for one purpose: Killing you.
On the surface they will use their guns on you. Once you submerge they will use sonar to locate you, then drop depth charges on your head.
Enemy airplane pose a serious threat to submarines: Their "eye in the sky" point of view gives them a dangerously long spotting range for a surfaced sub, or even just a periscope poking out of the water.
During daylight hours, there are usually multiple long-range planes patrolling Japanese-help waters. In addition, at least one plane will always be escorting an aircraft carrier during the day. At dusk, all planes will return to base.
If an enemy plane see you, they will:
A) Radio your position to any nearby escorts, which will come investigate if they're in range, and
B) Attack you with whatever weapons they have at their disposal.
If you spot an enemy plane before they spot you, you should strongly consider diving to avoid detection: In the Silent Service, discretion is the better part of valor!
But if they've already spotted you, if you're unable to dive due to damage, or if you're simply a recklessly aggressive captain, you can take them on with your AA Gun.
TIP: One valuable upgrade that can help you detect enemy planes long before they become a threat is SD Radar.
The Japanese have either seized or built a variety of land bases across the South Pacific. While not your primary mission, it's always helpful to the war effort to destroy these bases whenever given the opportunity.
But be careful, most bases will have defensive shore guns, and some may also have armed ships protecting them.
Ranging from light machine guns through AA guns, all the way up to heavy artillery batteries, shore guns are mainly used to defend bases and harbor/bay entrances (often in combination with minefields).
Your primary mission is always to sink enemy shipping. But because your stealth allows you to advance much further into enemy-held territory than the rest of our naval forces, you may occasionally be called upon for special side missions.
Usually these are the result of newly-gathered intelligence, and will be delivered to you via FOX encrypted radio message from COMSUBPAC at Pearl Harbor. You will be notified of new radio messages via the Comms button at the top of your HUD:
Tap the Comms button to show the radio message, and to zoom to the location of the side mission in your Chart view. The location will be marked with a pin:
Tap the pin any time to view the details of that mission.
Side missions may be anywhere in your patrol area, and could take a lot of time/fuel to reach. There is never a time limit on starting them, so don't feel that you have to immediately race off as soon as you receive a transmission.
Some missions require you to hold your sub on the surface in a specific location for a minute or two while people, supplies, or equipment are transferred on or off your boat. That location will be marked on your map and in the world with a green ring and a green smoke signal.
To view a list of all currently-available side missions, Pause the game and Tap Mission Status, then select the "Comms" tab. You can also get there directly by holding down the Comms button.
Before departing for a mission, your sub will be loaded down with all the supplies it can carry. But once you're out in enemy territory, there is no way to resupply, so it's up to you to use your precious resources wisely.
This is your most valuable resource: Torpedoes are huge, heavy, and very expensive, so you can only carry 34 of them (6 in the bow tubes, 4 in the aft tubes, plus 24 spares). They do by far the most damage to enemy ships, so make every shot count!
The 186 artillery shells for your deck gun are a great way to take out unarmed ships while surfaced. They're also essential for destroying shore targets.
Your Anti-Aircraft gun's primary purpose is shooting down attacking enemy planes. They will also damage ships and shore targets, but will only do half as much damage to a ship's thick hull (compared to the thin skin of an airplane). Upgrades to your AA gun will allow it to do significantly more damage.
Your fuel bunkers carry a staggering amount of fuel (enough to carry you 8,000 nautical miles!), so you will rarely have to worry about running out of fuel on a mission.
Your batteries power the electric motors used to drive your sub when submerged. Fully charged, they hold enough power to run your motors at maximum throttle for 50 minutes at their base level. Upgrades can be applied that will increase that run-time.
They will be automatically recharged when your sub is surfaced; recharging consumes Fuel at a rate equivalent to running your engines at 50% throttle. Upgrades can be applied to speed up the rate at which your batteries recharge.
When submerged, your oxygen (O2) storage tanks provide air for some of your sub's functions:
- Breathable Air: Fully charged, you have 10 hours of air for the crew to breathe. This can be upgraded.
- Torpedo Launching: O2 is used to propel torpedoes out of their tubes. The amount required increases with your sub's depth.
- Ballast Tanks: Water tanks are used to help control your sub's depth; when starting an ascent or stopping a dive, O2 is blown into those tanks to force the water out.
When surfaced, your O2 tanks will automatically be refilled. The rate of refilling can be increased with upgrades.
Your sub is crewed by 8 officers and 42 enlisted men. In battle, those men can be injured, knocked unconscious, or even killed. The current overall state of your crew is displayed on the Crew gauge.
See here for more detailed Crew management.
Any hit by an enemy weapon will cause damage to a specific location on your sub. The number of locations affected will scale with the amount of damage.
Any damage to a location comes with a chance that it will also cause flooding. If you are submerged, that chance is doubled.
At Hard or Sim difficulty level, any damage to a location also comes with a chance of causing permanent, irreparable damage. That damage can only be repaired by ending your patrol and returning to base.
The water taken on by flooding will add a downward force to your sub, trying to make it sink. A small amount of this force can be overcome with your sub's buoyancy tanks. A slightly larger amount can be compensated for by increasing your sub's speed, as that will increase the effectiveness of the dive planes to "push" your sub upward.
If you are surfaced, your sub won't start sinking until Flooding drops to 75% or lower. If that happens, your target depth will be automatically set to periscope depth to prevent your sub re-surfacing at an inopportune time.
See Damage Control for help with managing and repairing flooding and damage.
While any location-specific damage can be repaired by your capable crew, it does take a long-term toll on the overall condition of your boat, gradually weakening your pressure hull. Every time you take damage, your Hull Integrity decreases slightly, and cannot be repaired without returning to base.
A degraded Hull Integrity reduces your sub's maximum rated depth, as well as the actual depth at which your sub will implode.
Your sub's current Hull Integrity and maximum rated depth are shown as a vertical gauge on the Damage Control screen.
Tap anywhere on the HUD gauges to open the Sub Management window.
At the top of the Management window you can see an overview map showing that your sub is divided up into compartments, each with its own specialized task. In that map is all the key information for each compartment:
- Compartment name
- Icon
- Output (%)
- Damage (how red the background is)
- Flooding (how high the blue fill has risen)
- Crew: One oval marker per crewman slot, with color indicating his health status (or empty if no crewman).
Tap on any compartment to see more detailed info on it, including what the compartment does, who is crewing it, and how its damage and "Output" will affect you.
The "Output" of a compartment is its total effectiveness: The summary of its damage, flooding, and the skill level and health of the crewmen stationed there.
The Output of each compartment will modify its performance. For example your sonar listening range will increase or decrease based on the Sonar compartment's Output. Torpedo load times will be adjusted based on the Output of the torpedo rooms.
A fully-crewed, undamaged compartment will start with an Output of 100%. If crewed by sailors with skill points in that task, its Output will go up (above 100%). If the compartment is damaged, or a crewman stationed there is injured or killed, its Output will go down.
If a compartment is completely unmanned, then its Output will be 0% and you will lose its functionality. For example, if no crewmen are assigned to Helm, you won't be able to steer or dive your boat.
The game will always pause when you open the Management window; once open, you can "start the clock" again with the standard time controls at the top left.
But keep in mind that if you do this, the action outside of the Management view will also resume. Time will pass, enemies may attack, your sub may run aground...
Damage control is automated, but you have the option of taking as much personal control over it as you like.
Any damage taken by your sub will be localized to a specific compartment. That compartment's Output will be reduced by its current level of damage and flooding.
Any compartment that is at least 50% flooded is unusable and its Output will be 0 until the flooding has been repaired.
Your highly-capable repair crews will jump into action automatically whenever they're needed.
They will attack the damage based on the priority list under "Repair Order", from top to bottom. If you want to change their priorities, just drag and drop a compartment up or down in the list.
Because the single biggest threat to a sub is the flooding that will send you to the bottom, crews will always prioritize flood repairs first by default. If you don't want them to do that, uncheck the "Stop Flooding First" button on the right of the management window to turn it off.
For example, if you prefer surface engagements you may want to prioritize Engine repairs over Motors. In that case, you would drag the Engines repair card to the top of the list.
If you decide to return to the default repair order, just Tap the "Default Repair Order" button on the right of the management window.
If you want to tell your repair crews to focus on a particular damaged compartment, but just this one time, you don't have to re-order the list: Just Tap on the circular wrench icon on the right of that compartments repair card, and they will immediately shift their efforts to getting it back online. Once that compartment is fully repaired, they will go back to the regular priority order.
Equipment that is located outside of the sub's pressure hull (e.g. the Deck Gun, Dive Planes, and Rudder) can only be repaired while surfaced.
Like Damage Control, crew management is optional: Your XO will automatically assign crew tasks as needed without your intervention.
But if you want to take full control of your sub, you can assign each crewman to a compartment to maximize the Output from those tasks you consider most important.
When you Tap on any compartment in the overview map, a list of the crewmen assigned to it will be displayed in a vertical list. A card for each crewman will display some basic info:
- Rank and name
- Icon for current task assignment (also the grab point for dragging them to a new task)
- Health bar: Empties and fades from green to red to show injury. Turns grey when unconscious, and crossed-out when dead.
- Skill points (up to 5) for current task assignment
- Progress toward next skill point at current task
Tap on any crew card to expand it and show some additional info:
- Home town
- Date of birth
- All task skill points/progress toward next skill point
When crewmen come on board your sub, those with more experience (higher rank) will have "skill points" at particular tasks. Those are shown as black diamonds in their info card, and they can have up to 5 skill points for each compartment to which they can be assigned. Their progress toward earning the next skill point for that compartment is shown underneath.
The more skill points, the better the crewman is at that particular task; assigning him to a task where he has high skill will increase the Output of that compartment.
For example: If a crewman has a "Sick Bay" skill point, that means they have medical training. If they are assigned to work in the Sick Bay, then Sick Bay's Output will be increased by the crewman's skills, which in turn will cause any injured crewman to heal faster, and any unconscious crewman to awaken sooner.
Gaining Skills: Crewmen continuously gain skill in the task to which they are assigned, gradually adding skill points for every hour they spend in their assigned location. Note that during Fast Travel or Wait in Place, because no enemies are ever engaged crew only gain one hour's worth of skills regardless of the travel/wait time.
The obvious management route is to assign crewmen to the task that they are most highly skilled at; this is how the X.O. does it if you leave "Auto-Assign Crew" checked.
But something to consider: Assigning crewmen to tasks where they don't already have skill points will let them level up in additional areas. This cross-training can prove extremely valuable in the case where a crewman is killed or disabled and you need to replace him; on a submarine, having crewmen with a wide range of skills can mean the difference between success and defeat.
To assign a crewman to a new task, just grab the crew card icon for his current task assignment and drag and drop it onto the desired compartment.
If a compartment is fully crewed, you won't be able to drop your crewman on it, since there's no space for him. You can either select the target compartment and drag a crewman out of it (usually to Crew Quarters), or you can drop your crewman on top of one that's already in the target compartment to swap their positions.
When a crewman is added to or removed from a compartment, the Output of that compartment will immediately change to reflect the gain or loss.
Looking for the best crewman to fill an open position? Tap the "View All Crew" button on the right; that will display every crewman in your boat, and can be sorted by various properties to help you find the best fit.
Whenever a compartment takes damage, there is a chance that the crewmen working there will be injured. The chance of an injury, as well its severity, will be proportional to the amount of damage taken.
An injured crewman's Output is decreased, which in turn decreases the Output of the compartment he's currently assigned to.
Whenever a crewman is injured, there is a chance that he will be knocked unconscious. An unconscious crewman's Output will be zero until he regains consciousness.
Your Sick Bay can help accelerate that process: It provides aid to a limited number of injured/unconscious crewmen, doubling the rate at which they heal/wake up. The number of simultaneous crewmen that Sick Bay can help at any one time scales with Sick Bay's Output, and is displayed in its info text.
Note: You don't need to move crewmen to Sick Bay for them to receive its care; your medics will automatically aid the most severely injured crewmen wherever they are. Crewman currently being aided will have a small, flashing red cross on their markers and info cards.
Injured crewmen assigned to Crew Quarters will regain health 33% faster since they’re resting.
When a compartment is completely flooded, the crew will scramble to get out. Most will make it, but there's a chance that some will be killed or injured.
By the end of the war, Gato-class submarines were very different beasts from those that first sailed in 1941; their weapons and capabilities were vastly upgraded throughout the war years. You have access to those improvements through the Upgrades menu before each Campaign mission or Custom game.
By default, the AI will automatically purchase the "best" upgrades that your budget will allow, but once you have some experience in the game, you may want to turn Automatic upgrades off and personally choose the new tech and equipment that best matches your play style.
There is a wide variety of upgrades available; each will show a description of its effect if you select it in the Upgrades menu. You can also use the "Filter" selector at the top to only show upgrades in certain categories.
You have a limited amount of money to spend on those upgrades, so choose wisely. For example, if you prefer stealth over direct fights, you might want the Batteries upgrade so you can cruise longer distances underwater. Or if you'd rather engage in surface gun battles, you should upgrade your deck gun's range and damage.
Most upgrades have a "dependency", another upgrade that you must install before the next one will become available. Those dependencies are shown as a line connecting the two upgrades.
For example, if you don't have the first Deck Gun upgrade installed, you can't purchase the second Deck Gun upgrade OR the Deck Gun Range upgrade.
Once you've purchased the first Deck Gun upgrade, both secondary upgrades are unlocked.
Upgrade spending is allocated to those captains who are the most successful, so your budget is determined by the amount of enemies you destroy. The more tonnage you sink, the better you can make your boat!
1: Most side missions are easier at night, when enemy aircraft can’t be used to search for you.
2: Side missions never expire, so don’t feel like you need to race all over the map to finish them immediately.
3: It is possible to shoot your own boat with your AA gun, so... try not to do that.
4: If you really want to engage with enemy aircraft you should upgrade from the basic Browning M2 AA gun ASAP.
5: Fast travel uses about 25% more fuel than manually traveling the same distance, so use it sparingly if you’re low on fuel.
6: Your most precious resource is torpedoes; make every shot count!
7: For more accurate depth control, Tap the current depth value and drag up or down.
8: You can instantly replay your last mission with the "Replay Last Mission" button on the main menu.
9: Use the Waypoints system to Fast-Travel anywhere on the map.
10: Your AA gun can be used on surface targets, but only does half damage to ships.
11: Want to save your night vision for spotting from the bridge? Switch to “Night Mode” in the Options menu.
12: Consider saving your torpedoes for the biggest enemy ships, and using your deck gun on smaller targets.
13: Point your sub toward enemies to minimize the risk of being spotted: Your narrow hull is harder to see that way.
14: Torpedo hits to a ship’s stern do more damage than a midships hit, while a hit to the bow does less damage.
15: An upgraded AA gun can be surprisingly effective against smaller ships if you can get in close to them.
16: Tap the compass at the bottom right to turn your sub so it’s pointed in the direction you’re looking.
17: The Sick Bay helps injured crewmen heal and regain consciousness more quickly.
18: Cross-train your crew by assigning them to locations where they have less skill. Then they’ll get better at more things!
19: When submerged, your batteries can power the motors at full throttle for about 50 minutes. Slow down to make them last longer.
20: The upgraded Mark 18 torpedoes are electric; since they don’t emit steam, they’re harder for enemies to spot in the water.
21: Bay entrances are often mined; if you see a minefield, watch out for shore guns protecting it!
22: When navigating a minefield, go slow! If you try to race through at flank speed you won't have enough time to avoid mines as they appear on your detector.
23: When navigating a minefield, if you get into a tight spot you can always reverse out and try another path.
24: Damage from depth charges and mines can be reduced with the "Pressure Hull" upgrade.
25: Damage from depth charges and mines increases with your depth due to the increased water pressure.
26: TDC offline? you can manually set up torpedo shots by lining up the Torpedo Track with the track for the targeted ship.
27: A moving object is easier to see; if your surfaced sub (or raised periscope) is moving at flank speed, it’s 50% easier for enemies to spot.
28: Wind will reduce enemies’ spotting distance due to the increased surface chop and wave action.
29: If you’re below the thermocline layer, your submerged sub is much harder for enemy sonar to detect.
30: If your sub is sitting on the sea floor ("bottomed") it is much harder for enemy sonar to detect.
31: Since your motors and propeller generate noise, they will reduce your sonar range if you increase throttle.
32: The noise from the detonations of enemy depth charges will momentarily shrink your sonar range.
33: Rain causes false radar reflections, reducing your radar range by up to half.
34: Keep an eye on the depth sounding built into your depth controls; it will let you know if you’re about to run aground.
35: Beginning an ascent or halting a dive uses a small amount of O2 to blow water out of the ballast tanks.
36: The red portion of your torpedo track line shows where it will surface; use it to make sure your torpedo won't pass underneath an enemy ship!
37: Any time you quit out of a mission your game will be automatically saved.
38: Tap and drag up, down, left or right on the Center View button to snap your view to the front, back, left or right of your sub.
39: In heavy seas, your top speed is reduced by up to 25%; but so is the top speed of enemy ships.
40: COMSUBPAC will sometimes radio you with special tasks; the Comms button will appear at the top of your HUD, and you can Tap it for more info.
41: If the Comms button is visible, you can press and hold it to see a list of all available side missions.
42: Some planes have rear-facing gunners, so can spot forward and backwards. Single-seat planes can only detect things in front of them.
43: If you run aground or bottom your sub while moving at high speed, you’ll probably damage it. But if you’re moving slowly you’ll be fine.
44: If you’re spotted on the surface, dive to break contact and evade.
45: When the enemy spots you, they will remember your course and speed; even if you dive, they will use that to estimate your current position, so change your heading and/or throttle.
46: Double-Tap the depth gauge to halt your dive/ascent at your current depth.
47: Convoys will often anchor in bays and harbors for shelter, so check those areas for easy targets.
48: See something that might be a bug? Hit Pause, then “Report a bug”, and it will be investigated by top Naval personnel.
49: Fast Travel uses a combination of surface and submerged travel, so transit time will not match that shown on the plot marker.
50: Hold or swipe down on the clock at the upper left to instantly reset your time-scale back to 1X.
51: Injured crewmen assigned to Crew Quarters will regain health 33% faster since they’re resting.
52: Long-press or swipe up on the torpedo button to view the advanced torpedo controls.
53: When approaching your boat’s crush depth you’ll start to hear some ominous damage sounds.
54: You can tag crewmen with custom tabs and colors in the crew management view.
55: You can customize the scale of the UI in the Options menu.
56: At Sim difficulty there’s a small chance of your torpedo’s gyro failing, causing a “circular run” to come around at your own boat!
57: You’ll hear a soft ping for each new surface radar contact, and a higher-pitched one for air contacts.
58: At Sim difficulty enemy aircraft can spot your submerged boat above a depth of 60 feet.
59: You can switch from Imperial to Metric units in the Options menu.
60: You can rename crewmen in the crew management view. Because you’re the captain!
61: On Easy/Medium difficulty, a rotating red triangle shows where the enemy thinks you are.
62: You can only receive orders from COMSUBPAC when your boat or periscope is surfaced.